Saturday, September 12, 2009

Trail and Camp Discipline

The Chilliwack isn't the only area that's been ruined by campers leaving garbage and worse around. Much of the Chipmunk Bench now resembles a Nepalese "shitting-field", with clumps of toilet-paper dotting the forest floor, amidst shot-up car batteries, broken camp furniture and rotting kitchen waste.

Here are The Rules:


1) One Man, One Kit.
1)a Take care of your mates.

2) Tell the others if you have an existing or developing 'health concern'. Most of us are qualified to the ''Standard' level of First Aid and many of us hold at least a 'C' ticket, and we'd rather it not come as a complete surprise when you suddenly vomit out your heart and keel over.

3) Always practice 'cat sanitation' when doing your 'necessary business' - and a handful of moss or river-sand is recommended over toilet paper.

4) 'Grey water' (water that contains soap, toothpaste, food scraps) shall be poured out onto the ground well away from running or standing water. NEVER pour grey water into water or wash anything in running or standing water.

On the move:

1) All trail markers will be temporary, such as coloured tape tied to a branch or 'Scouting for Boys'-type marks made of local materials. There will be no 'blazes' cut on trees.

2) All trail markers will be removed or wiped out by the last man on the way out.

At the Halt;

1) You packed it in, you pack it out again.

2) Solid-fuel or gas stoves only. Campfires will be considered only when the weather is wet and there is a supply of dead timber.

3) Although we're not on a LRRP, camps are to be unobtrusive when occupied and undetectable when abandoned.

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