Saturday, August 29, 2009

Event Schedule

Here is our schedule for the next few months:

All distances are 'return'

19/20 September Salmon Run; 26km fairly level logging road, optional 8km steep hill-climb.

26/27 September Williams Peak Route Recce. I'm checking out the path for the 'Scramble' in October.CANCELLED - WILL RE-SCHEDULE

24/25 October Williams Peak Scramble; 6km of steep logging road, 12km fairly level along ridge, optional 3km increasingly steep climb to summit. Tulloch Ard!

14/15 November Ardous Armistice-day; 26km fairly level logging road, some bush-bashing. not ardous at all, really.

12 December Paleface valley; at least 16km over gradually rising logging road.

16 January 2010 The Crawl. come join us as we -re-enact the old Spirit of the West song by running from pub to pub between Horseshoe Bay and Deep Cove!

23/24 January 2010 Burns Night in the Bush; 3km along x-country ski trail to semi-tactical-hide Burns Dinner.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, it's a great blog.
    I could tell how much efforts you've taken on it.
    Keep doing!
