Saturday, August 29, 2009

Event Schedule

Here is our schedule for the next few months:

All distances are 'return'

19/20 September Salmon Run; 26km fairly level logging road, optional 8km steep hill-climb.

26/27 September Williams Peak Route Recce. I'm checking out the path for the 'Scramble' in October.CANCELLED - WILL RE-SCHEDULE

24/25 October Williams Peak Scramble; 6km of steep logging road, 12km fairly level along ridge, optional 3km increasingly steep climb to summit. Tulloch Ard!

14/15 November Ardous Armistice-day; 26km fairly level logging road, some bush-bashing. not ardous at all, really.

12 December Paleface valley; at least 16km over gradually rising logging road.

16 January 2010 The Crawl. come join us as we -re-enact the old Spirit of the West song by running from pub to pub between Horseshoe Bay and Deep Cove!

23/24 January 2010 Burns Night in the Bush; 3km along x-country ski trail to semi-tactical-hide Burns Dinner.

Friday, August 28, 2009

1st Annual Salmon Run

The Inagural run of the Haggis Harriers to be held on the weekend of 19/20 September, rain or shine!

Take Hwy One east to Chilliwack and follow the signs south and east to Chilliwack Lake Provincial Park.

RV at entrance to Chwk Lake Prov Park (GR 128392 on MCE 147 CFB Chwk 92/h4) 1030hr26 Sept. 2009.

If you arrive after the posted start-time (1030) look for a vehicle with a 'Haggis Harriers' sign on the dashboard.

This means that at least one party has gone ahead. It shouldn't be too hard to catch up - we're old and carrying beer. If you don't see such a sign, we're late too!

The intended route;

a) follow the Forest Service road South on the East side of Chilliwack Lake for 13km to the Canada/US border.

b) If time/breath allows we will 'tab' (2300-foot climb over 4km) up to Hanging Lake (GR135285) and go to ground there. Plan B is to find a dry spot to biv in Grid 1628.

c) Run back to the vehicles in the morning.

Length of run: 26km (34km to Hanging Lake and return)
the forest service road is fairly level with some moderate grades. the route to Hanging Lake is a bush-bashing scramble up a very steep grade.

There may be a salmon run in progress, so expect wildlife (bears, cougars).


There is no cellphone coverage from 2km east of the bridge at Vedder's Crossing - at least there isn't on my 'Rogers' plan. I DID meet a hiker at the top of Williams Ridge whose blackberry had a connection though (I'm trying not to think that 'GPS' is cheating....)

One man, One kit.

Plan for 4 meals. One can of beer contains 140-160 calories and 20 grams of carbohydrates.

many streams are potable, but I reccomend you carry 3L of clean water.

Participants MUST start the run with at least a six-pack of beer in their pack! We suggest cans rather than bottles.

Questions, Comments, Concerns?

First Post

The Haggis Harriers is a 'drinking' club with a 'trail-running' problem.

We like to drink beer (but we wouldn't say 'no' to a nice whusky. No ice, thank you, and keep pouring...)

We like to run, but not on paved surfaces.

We're not a bunch of super-competitive gazelles - 'Run' might be better translated as 'Forced-march' (alternately running and walking). We stay fairly close together as a group and we don't leave people behind.

Some of us wear kilts while engaged in the above activities. All members are 'encouraged' to do so, but this is by no means compulsory.

Most of our members keep in touch via 'Facebook' but that's not to everyone's taste.

Hence this blog. All news of upcoming events, reports of past events, reviews and critiques of the kit we choose to drag across hill and dale with will be posted here.

If you want to contribute to this 'site, email me and I'll post it.